Чувак с тумбы пишет: unfortunately i could not go (;w; ), but here are some photos i found!
there is a story to this exhibit - one day in sindria, sinbad wakes up naked and all this metal vessels are missing! you set out with aladdin, alibaba, and morgiana to find them and look back at their adventures. you walk through qishan, dungeons, kouga, balbadd, sindria, kou empire etc. turns out the metal vessels were under his bed XD;;; he says it happens often and holds a maharajan as a thank you XD;;;;;
when sinbad is surrounded by the girls, he apparently says 「こらこら、そこは触っちゃダメだぞ」 (“oh no no, you must not touch there”) LOL 右シン (`ФωФ’) カッ
they had life size cut out of characters, anime sketches, magi themed drinks and food, and a sindria bazaar (gift shop)
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